Entering A Solar Agreement

I love this planet!! It’s such a beautiful place to live, no matter where you’re located in the world. Every continent, every country, every provenance has a unique element of beauty that can’t be found anywhere else. You could be on a beach in Australia or in the Swiss Alps and be wowed by a completely different type of beauty, with one not being more beautiful than the other. 

I’m sure you’re wondering why my love for the planet is worth writing about. Well, it’s worth writing about because the planet is dying! There’s all this stuff being said around climate change and the desperate actions we need to take to be able to enjoy our planet for the years to come. 

One of the big things we have to do is start relying on solar energy. A case study founded that solar energy will help increase the lifespan of our planet by so many years. I can’t remember the exact number but it was big and it will help to ensure that our children and our children’s children can walk the planet like we are still able to. If we don’t the planet will get too hot for them to safely explore it. That would be such a tragedy. 

The next thing we have to do is create a worldwide legal solar lease agreement that states everyone in the world must be using solar energy by a certain date. The first world countries must agree to help the smaller countries and dedicate time and resources to bring the rest of the world up to speed.

We have a long way to go to help combat the effects of climate change, but the report has proven that we can do it. If the entire world bands together we should be able to create a better life for the people who come after us. I really hope that we can.

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