Personalised Orthotics

So I spoke to the foot specialist about my potential Plantar Fasciitis and she confirmed my suspicions. She said it’s common in people who have spent long periods of time off their feet and then start putting a lot of repeated pressure on them. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what I did. 

I told her that I want to get on top of it as soon as possible, seeing as it’s already July and I want to run a half marathon by December. She recommended that I get some semi custom orthotics made up for me. They only need to be semi custom because my Plantar Fasciitis is mild, thank the Lord. I asked her to measure my feet and mould the orthotics on the spot. I wasn’t going to waste any time of my recovery. 

She got them made up and it took them about a week to arrive in the mail. In that time, she gave me plenty of exercises to do to try and help ease the pain and speed up the recovery process. It’s definitely helped, which I’m happy about. However, I’m not allowed to run as far as I did last time whilst I am trying to help my feet recover. I am only allowed to run short distances, rather than running 12km straight off the bat. I’ve learnt my lesson. 

I’m worried that because I’m going to be wearing custom orthotics all the time now, I’m going to develop fungal nail infections. In the Cheltenham area, there are plenty of beaches around, which makes it a breeding ground for fungal infections and the like. If I go for a swim in the beach in between my interval runs and then put my runners and orthotics back on, I could genuinely have a serious problem.

This might be me getting a bit worried for no reason, but I’ve just suffered so many setbacks that I can’t deal with the possibility of another one. My mind is spiralling.

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