Sold On Solar

Solar energy? Have you heard about solar energy? I hadn’t heard about it before today, but let me tell you, I’m really sold on the idea. It’s absolutely genius if you ask me. As a kid, I’d always wondered why we wouldn’t use that giant ball of fire in the sky to power everything in the world. That makes a lot more sense than getting power from coal, or all that super-advanced science that leaves everyone all irradiated. Those do not seem like good ideas. In my opinion, we should have been using solar power the entire time.

I’ve been researching this stuff all morning. I’m learning about plenty of new things. For example, did you know that there are businesses offering commercial battery storage services, which allow you to store solar energy? That’s genius. The only thing that I don’t understand is how they convert solar beams into electricity. I can’t find anything about it online. It’s like the whole thing is magic! Now, I know that you have to get these special panels installed, which come in all sorts of sizes depending on what kind of system you need. You could get a 30KW solar system or a 50KW one. There are plenty of other options, too. What I mean is that I don’t understand how solar panels turn the actual sunlight into power. 

Today, I ordered some solar panels from a business called Wizard Power, and their website didn’t explain the process at all. They literally described it as magic. So, as far as I understand it, some wizard magically enhances the panels so that they absorb the sunlight, and boom, all of a sudden you have electricity. I suppose that makes about as much sense as splitting an atom. I don’t have to understand it, though. Personally, I’m just happy to be helping the environment through my sustainable energy choice. Go me!

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